3 is what percent of 18?

Answer: 3 percent of 18 is 16.667%. Alternatively, we can say that 16.667% is equivalent to 3 of 18.

Solution for 3 is what percent of 18:

p = 3 of 18 p = ( 3 18 ) * 100 p = 0.16666666666667 * 100 p = 16.667%

Now we have 3 of 18 = 16.667%. Alternatively, we can express it as 3 out of 18 is equivalent to 16.667% percent.

The step-by-step process for finding 3 is what percent of 18:

The mathematical calculation of what percent 3 is out of 18 can be broken down as follows:

  • 3 of 18
  • Convert this into an equation: (3 / 18) * 100
  • Carry out the calculation: 0.16666666666667 * 100
  • The final answer is: 16.667%

Thus, we conclude that 3 is 16.667% of 18.

Explanation for 3 is what percent of 18:

Step 1: 3 of 18

We start with the problem 3 is what percent of 18. Here, 3 is a part of 18, and we want to find out what percentage that part is of the whole 18.

Step 2: (3 / 18) * 100

To find the percentage, we first divide 3 (the part) by 18 (the whole). This gives us a decimal that represents the proportion of 3 to 18. We then multiply this decimal by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

Step 3: 0.16666666666667 * 100

After dividing 3 by 18, we get 0.16666666666667. This is a decimal that represents the proportion of 3 to 18. We then multiply 0.16666666666667 by 100 to convert this proportion into a percentage.

Step 4: 16.667%

After multiplying 0.16666666666667 by 100, we get 16.667%. This is the percentage that 3 is of 18. Hence, we can definitively say that 3 is 16.667% of 18.

This guide aims to simplify the understanding of percentage calculations, focusing on the question 3 is what percent of 18. Keep practicing with different numbers to hone your skills in percentage calculations.

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