What is 18 percent of 360?

Answer: 18 percent of 360 is 64.8. Alternatively, we can say that 64.8 is equivalent to 18% of 360.

Solution for What is 18 percent of 360:

n = 18 percent of 360 n = 18 % 360 n = 18 100 360 n = 18 360 100 n = 6480 100 n = 64.8

Now we have 18% of 360 = 64.8. Alternatively, we can express it as 18 percent of 360 equals 64.8.

The step-by-step process for finding what is 18 percent of 360:

The mathematical calculation of 18% of 360 can be broken down as follows:

  • 18 percent * 360
  • Convert this into an equation: (18 / 100) * 360
  • Simplify the equation further: (18 * 360) / 100
  • Carry out the calculation: 6480 / 100
  • The final answer is: 64.8

Thus, we conclude that 18% of 360 is 64.8.

Explanation for What is 18% of 360:

Step 1: 18 percent * 360

Think of percent as parts out of 100. So, when we say 18 percent, it's like having 18 parts out of a total of 100. What we want to do now is find out what those 18 parts would be if our total was 360 instead of 100.

Step 2: (18 / 100) * 360

This is like dividing our 18 parts into 100. It's as if we have 100 pieces of candy and we only want 18 of those pieces. That gives us 0.18 or 18 hundredths. Now we multiply those 18 parts (or 0.18) by 360 to find out what 18% of 360 would be.

Step 3: (18 * 360) / 100

This is an alternative calculation. Instead of doing it in two steps like we did before, we can also do it in one step. First, we multiply 18 (our 18 parts) by 360 (our total amount), and then we divide that by 100.

Step 4: 6480 / 100

The previous step gave us 6480. But remember we were pretending our total was 100? Now we have to divide by 100 to get back to the number for our real total, which is 360. That's why we divide 6480 by 100.

Step 5: 64.8

Finally, after dividing 6480 by 100, we arrive at the answer: 64.8. Hence, we can definitively say that 18% of 360 equals 64.8.

This guide aims to simplify the understanding of percentage calculations, focusing on the question "What is 18% of 360?" Keep practicing with different numbers to hone your skills in percentage calculations. We hope this helps you in your quest for better mathematical understanding.

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